Prank calls are by far the most common sorts of amusement we engage in with one another on occasion. They are usually carried out by a group of friends with close people and single pals.
Prank calls are one of the simplest and most effective ways to fool your pals in a matter of minutes. You can toy with your sense of humor by messing around with phone conversations with your colleagues, relatives, or anyone you know. The best part is that you can use the same prank on multiple people and make their time memorable.
Playing a prank on your friends and random individuals is a great way to pass the time, but it must be handled correctly so that the person you are calling is not harmed. It’s critical to pick the proper person for the correct prank because you don’t want to insult anyone and wind up in serious trouble.
Things to Consider Before Pulling A Prank
- To avoid being identified, set your phone number anonymous or use free web messengers.
- Make sure you have a good plan for the plot and your character, and the person you’re calling doesn’t take things too seriously.
- Although you should write down the entire script and practice your lines, there is no certainty that everything will go as per the plan. When performing the prank, if the person says something unanticipated, it is unscripted.
- If you know the people you’re calling, change your voice and accent.
- When you’re playing the prank, try not to chuckle. The prank will fall flat if the other person overhears you giggling.
- Remember that the prank must be amusing rather than unpleasant or offensive.
- Avoid recording the talk if you don’t want to offend anyone.
Here are some entertaining prank call ideas for you to try on your friends. Have a good time!
Prank Call Ideas
1. You’ve Run Out of Toilet Paper

Prank calls are a common target for large hotels, restaurants, and businesses.
It is time to trick a cafe or hotel manager, or you can even contact a friend and pretend they are a receptionist, and you are calling from one of their rooms.
Hotels place a premium on customer service, which you may take advantage of. Find a hotel’s phone number and dial the best hotel in your town while waiting for the operator to answer. They will expect you to make a reservation, and once they have finished their official dialogue, begin speaking in a low tone.
Tell him/her that you are stuck in the washroom and need toilet paper because your room’s rolls have run out. A script is provided below to assist you.
Prankster: Hello
Victim: Hello
Prankster: “I’m stuck here in the bathroom and can’t get out since there’s no toilet paper. Could you please get some toilet paper for me? I won’t be able to go without it, so please help me.”
Wait for their reply. They will probably hesitate or say no.
Prankster: “What am I supposed to do now? Come on, bro, please help me out.”
Tell them you are humiliated, and they will feel awful about themselves. Allow the victim to believe in you and feel humiliated as a result. Try to mislead them for as long as you can and persuade them to bring you a roll. If you laugh, your trick will be exposed right away.
More detail can be used to deceive them and leave them perplexed. When they rush to the washroom to see whether you are there, the joke will turn into reality and even more fun.
2. Make A Phone Call and Repeat Whatever They Say

Prankster: Hello!
Victim: Hello? Who is this?
Prankster: Hello? Who is this?
Victim: Who do you want to speak with?
Prankster: Who do you want to speak with?
Victim: Why do you keep repeating everything I say?
Prankster: Why do you keep repeating everything I say?
Victim: *Laughs* and says, ‘I am stupid.’
Prankster: Yes, you are! *Hang Up*
3. Call Customer Service and Act As If You Are Unable to Hear What They Are Saying

Victim: Hello! This is *Add any name here*. What can I do to assist you?
Prankster: Hey. My computer will not turn off. Could you please help me?
Victim: Sure. Please tell me your name.
Prankster: Excuse me, but what?
Victim: Your name?
Prankster: What are you talking about?
Victim: Before I go any farther, I need to know your name.
Prankster: I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you’re saying. Can you say it again?
Victim: Never Mind
Prankster: What? What are you asking? *Hangs Up*
The prank call ideas we described above have been tried and appear to work wonderfully. The great thing is that you can really pull these pranks on anyone, whether you know them or not.
We hope you enjoyed these harmless pranks! Try them out in a lighthearted manner, and have a wonderful time! However, remember to choose the right guy and the proper moment so that they do not become a source of harassment for anyone.
Pull these pranks on your friends or relatives so that you can laugh and joke about them later!